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At High Meadow Community School, we ask that pupils strive to achieve achieve at least 97% attendance. We recognise that for some this may be a challenging target, therefore we will provide additional support to pupils and their families to encourage excellent attendance. However, our belief remains that if your child is a regular attendee at school, then they will make rapid progress!

Parents/Carers have a legal responsibility to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend school regularly.  Pupils should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.




Pupils are expected to arrive between 8:35am and 8:45am each day, but no later.  Persistent lateness has a significant detriment on pupils learning and their start to the day.  If children are late, it impacts their ability to transition into the classroom; punctuality is an important part to a child’s success.


As soon as you are aware your child will be absent from school parents/carers should contact the school, by 8.30am, on the first day of absence to inform the school of the reason for absence. Parents are expected to maintain contact with the school throughout the absence, on a daily basis. At 9.30am school registers are checked for any absences where there has been no contact by parents and reason given. 

Please use the Studybugs App to report absence: Studybugs App

It is imperative that up-to-date contact numbers and details are provided to school.


Not all illness requires an absence from school. For minor childhood ailments such as coughs, colds, ear aches we would not expect children to be absent. However, when a parent makes the assessment that their child is unfit for school they should follow the above absence process.

We will always make a call home if it is clear that a child is too unwell to stay in school.


Medical appointments

Parents/Carers should avoid making routine medical appointments and dental appointments during the school day. In the majority of cases, appointments can be made outside of the school day/during the school holidays.

Where appointments have to be taken during the school day, only the time for the appointment and travel to and from will be classed as an authorised absence. Pupils are expected to return to school for the remainder of the day/attend school prior to the appointment.

Parents/Carers are required to provide a copy of the appointment letter or card prior to the day of the appointment.